
Interviewing my brother, Believe, on Rush Hour

 O: Hello everyone, and welcome back to Action Movie Review Mondays with me and my brother, who is older then me. Today we're going to be talking about his so-called favourite Jackie Chan movie, and don't get mad at him for this: Rush Hour. So, this is a very-

B: Carter is the best character.

O: Okay. Why is it your favourite movie?

B: Because Carter carries.

O: Really?

B: Yeah.

O: Your favourite Jackie Chan movie is not even-

B: It's because it has so much action and balanced humor.

O: Oh really? Really? What was your favourite action scene?


B: You know in the beginning, about this guy, he..

O: With the bombs?

B: Yeah, and then, *unintelligible* 

O: What was your favourite comedy scene?

B: Carter. Everything.

O: Every single scene with Carter in it?

B: Yeah.

O: That's literally every comedy scene.

B: Yeah.

O: Okay. If they ever made a RUSH HOUR IV which they are going to, would you watch it?

B: Yeah.

O: Really?

B: Yeah, I guess. Okay.

O: Anyways, what would you rate Rush Hour-

B: A 10.

O: 10/10?

B: Yeah.

O: Wow.

B: Yeah.

O: Okay, thank you for answering my questions, we're gonna see more of you next week.


Interviewing my brother, Believe, on SUPERCOP

 O: Supercop! Supercop! Supercop! Today I'm gonna be talking about my brother, who is gonna be talking about Police Story 3: Supercop. So, uhm, what was your favourite scene?


B: Uhm, when Jackie Chan- wait, Supercop is about drug dealers.. whatever.

O: Yes. Jackie Chan and Michelle-

B: When Jackie Chan.. uhm.. you know that explosion scene? About the guy- It was kind of like a war.

O: Yeah, not really a war, but it was kinda like a war.

B: Okay, yeah.

O: And are you talking about where Jessica throws a grenade in the building-

B: Yes. Yes. I'm talking about that.

O: Secondly, who is your favourite character?

B: Um.. probably Jackie Chan or Michelle Yeoh.

O: Okay, so I KNOW you're gonna say.. ugh. Who is your least favourite character?

B: That Un-Jong Kim ripoff.

O: laughs No way you called a Un-Jong Kim ripoff!

B: I don't know.

O: You are so racist. Okay. If there was ever a Supercop 3 because there was a Supercop 2-

B: Yeah, I'd watch it.

O: REALLY?! Honestly, I would too. Lastly, what was your rating of Supercop?

B: 9/10.. 9.5/10.

O: What was it missing?

B: I don't know. It was the Kim-Jong Un ripoff.

O: laughs. So, he's very weird. I have a feeling he doesn't want to do this. But you'll see more of him next week, and I'm ending this early so he doesn't say anything dumb!



 O: Yello everyone, yippie ki yay! Today I'm gonna be talking about my brother who is going to be talking about DIE HARD III. So, what was your favourite scene?

B: 5.

O: What?

B: Wait, wait, DIE HARD III? 

O: Yes.

B: Where he gets- where John McClane ball.


B: Oh, yeah. That's in DIE HARD 6.


B: I don't remember, kid! 


O: Okay, well, um, okay, who was your favourite character?

 B: John McClane.

O: Thirdly, Uhh, if there was ever a "Die Hard III: Part II" which I know makes no sense at all, BUT it happened with Supercop. Anyways, if there was a Die Hard III: Part II" would you watch it?

B: No. Because it's a mistake.

O: laughs Very straight-forward. Why do you think it'd be a mistake? 

B: Because, see, with movies, you're supposed to remember them. If it's a movie that you forget, that's how you know it's bad.

O: Well, you literally forgot every single scene of this movie. Anyways, I-don't-know-what-number-it-isly, what was are your overall rating of Die Hard with a Vengeance.

B: I don't remember anything.

O: Well, I guess that makes it an automatic zero. Anyways-

B: Five.

O: laughs Anyways, we're going to see more Believe on ACTION MOVIE REVIEW MONDAYS.


Interviewing my brother on DRUNKEN MASTER II

 O: Welcome back to ACTION MOVIE REVIEW MONDAYS with my brother, today we're gonna be reviewing DRUNKEN MASTER II starring Jackie Chan.. and uhh.. that.. guy. Ok, so what was your favourite part of the movie?


B: When Jackie Chan falls into the coals, but he still survives. And he's so badarse. That's why. Yeah.

O: What? Falls into the what?

B: In the coals, like the hot-

O: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't think you could die from that, but I DO think that'd be really hot. Secondly, who was your favourite character?

 B: Alright, it's Jacky Chan.

O: REALLY? Not even his stepmother? This is one of the rare movies-

B: Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, yes, the stepmother. So.

O: Yeah, I knew you were laughing SO HARD at all the stepmother's scenes. Thirdly, what is your only problem with DRUNKEN MASTER II?


B: Where he got brain damage at the end. (Note - this scene is removed in the Dimension Films release.)

O: And uhm, what was your first thought during that scene?

B: Uhh.. "bro got brain damage".

O: If they made a sequel to Drunken Master 2, would you watch it?

B: No.

O: What is your rating overall of Drunken Master 2?

B: 8/10. 9, actually.

O: Straight-forward! Thank you for your answers, Believe, and we're gonna see more of him next week on.. ACTION.. MOVIE.. REVIEW-

B: Total! Drama!






Interviewing my brother on POLICE STORY 2

 O: Jing cha gu shi juk jaap! (I tried saying the Cantonese name of this movie.) So today, I'm going to be asking Believe some questions about the Jackie Chan classic, POLICE STORY II. Now, when everyone thinks about sequels, they always ask this question first: So, which is better? Police Story or Police Story 2?

B: Huh?

O: laughs Okay, which is better, POLICE STORY or POLICE STORY II?

B: Police Story, the first one.

O: Yeah, I agree. Secondly, who is your favourite character?


B: Uhmm, to be honest, in all Jackie Chan movies, all the characters are mediocre, except the main character.

O: So you're saying, that Kevin once again is your favourite character?

B: Yeah.

O: Okay. what was your favourite SCENE? (He got POLICE STORY 2 & POLICE STORY confused, so he's talking about a scene from POLICE STORY 1)

B: My favourite was when he went down that chandelier. Pretty good. Pretty good scene.

O: Okay. If they ever made a sequel to POLICE STORY II which I know makes no sense because no idiot makes a sequel to a sequel (I wasn't thinking of SUPERCOP 2), would you watch it??

B: No. No idiot-Anyways, I'm joking, I'm joking.. Maybe, yeah.

O: And the last question - What would you rate POLICE STORY II out of ten?

B: 5.

O: 5/10?

B: Wait, two or one?

O: Two.

B: Uhh.. 7.



Interviewing my brother on DIE HARD

This is an interview from Jan 2024.

O: Hello everyone! A shocker - I WATCH AMERICAN MOVIES. And so does my brother. And one of those movies is DIE HARD, which we both watched together. So who was your favourite character?

B: John McClane.

O: Really? In every movie you've watched, the main character is your favourite?

B: Yeah, kind of.

O: WOW. Okay.

B: What was your favourite fight scene?

 B: When John McClane beats the hell out of Hans Gruber & then I think at the end, he dropped him off the 9/11 tower. I don't know.

O: laughs 9/11?! Okay, so seriously, you're saying your favourite scene was when Gruber dies?

B: Yeah.

O: Wow. If there was a DIE HARD 6, would you watch it?

B: No. Actually, yeah.

O: Really? Wow. And, lastly, what would you rate Die Hard out of ten.

B: 55. 

O: 55?

B: It's pretty good.

O: Wow. We'll be back with more Believe on ACTION MOVIE REVIEW MONDAYS next week!



Interviewing my brother on Police Story

 Yes, this is an interview from January 2024. I just don't feel like sharing the voices.

O: Hello everyone, welcome back to Action Movie Review Mondays and we've got my anime-loving brother back again, Believe... uhh.. yeah. Believe. I'm gonna ask you some questions about POLICE STORY. So what was your first thought during the fight scenes?

B: Uhm, they were pretty cool. Like, I like how they were pretty cool. 

O: laughs Who was your favourite character?

B: Um, main character. (He is talking about Kevin Ka-Kui)

O: Really?

B: Yeah.

O: You just go with that answer?

B: Yeah.

O: Well, why?

B: Cuz, he's on top.

O: Okay. What was your favourite scene?

B: Where Jackie Chan (Kevin) got May off that motorcycle, whatever. (I asked him why a few hours later and he thinks that May deserved it.)

O: Really? 

B: Yeah.

O: I've heard a lot of people don't like that scene.

B: Why?

O: Many people don't like Kevin as the main character because he's "mean" to his girlfriend.

B: Mean on deez nuts.

O: Wow. Why are you like this? Secondly, I mean, I don't even know which question this is, uhh, if there was a Police Story 9 (there is a Police Story 9 coming out in 2024, so I meant to say Police Story 10), would you watch it?

B: Hell no.

O: Why?

B: There'd be 55 Police Stories.

O: laughs What? Okay, uhm.. And lastly, and what would you rate POLICE STORY out of ten?

B: Five.

O: 5/10??

B: Yeah. Cool.

O: Thank you for listening, and we'll be back with more Believe on ACTION MOVIE REVIEW MONDAYS next week!


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Interviewing my brother, Believe, on Rush Hour

 O: Hello everyone, and welcome back to Action Movie Review Mondays with me and my brother, who is older then me. Today we're going to b...