
action movie watchlist for 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's the list of Action films I want to watch in 2024

Fearless Hyena 笑拳怪招 (1979)

Fist of Fury 精武门 (1972)

The Way of the Dragon 猛龙过江 (1972)

New Fist of Fury 新精武门 (1976)

Mad Max (1979)

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Armour of God 龍兄虎弟 (1986)

The Matrix (2002)

Royal Warriors 皇家戰士 (1986)

My Lucky Stars 福星高照 (1985)

The Heroic Trio 東方三俠 (1993)

Crouching Tiger 卧虎

 Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

GoldenEye (1995) 

Little Tiger of Canton (1971)

Master with Cracked Finger (1979)


Police Story: Action on Steroids


I hope every single one of you has an awesome year and that God protects and blesses you.

Also, watch more action films.

Directed, written by, and starring Jackie Chan

Starring Bridget Lin

Maggie Cheung

Lam Hwok Hung

Bill Tung

Written by Edward Tang

Release date (Hong Kong): December 15, 1985

May 15, 2006 (Australia)


Kevin Chan, an honest Hong Kong cop protecting Selina Fong, a Triad boss's girlfriend-turned-informer, finds himself framed for the murder of a dirty cop, Royal Hong Kong Police Force Sergeant Mao, and going on the run.



I've been a MEGA Chan Fan ever since I was 6. But due to my new interests with lots of other franchises (LazyTown, Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, Odd Squad, etc..) I kinda forgot about him. Infact, Rush Hour was the only reason I thought about him. But one day I decided to watch one of his movies. Nothing interesting was on Netflix, but the plot of Police Story sounded interesting to me. So I watched the Hong Kong version, subtitled by SBS On Demand and then I started to get hooked back onto Jackie Chan films.  

Now, I'm not exaggerating when I say the Police Story franchise is one of Chan's best works. All films in the franchise (Police Story, Police Story: Part 2, Police Story 3: Super Cop, Police Story 4: First Strike, New Police Story & Police Story: Lockdown) all got 12 wins at award shows combined, and all the film's box office performances (including Supercop 2 / Project S / Once a Cop / Police Story 3: Part 2) made 489866205 Hong Kong dollars. I can see why, trust me. Judging from only the first film (I've watched the first 5, not counting Supercop 2. That's a spinoff.), you can say it took a lot to make this.


The film's comedy sequences are subtle and actually very funny, but they don't take your focus away from the serious parts, then the action sequences.

The cast did a great performance. Maggie Cheung did a great job as an annoying girlfriend, and Lam Hwok Kung did an amazing job as the strict guy who only cares about himself.

 My only complaint with the film is one of the comedy sequences which has Kevin ignoring crimes such as abuse so he can eat his lunch. Of course, when he ignores the call about a lost cow and when May calls him and he responds rudely, then pretends that it was another one of his employees, that was funny, because you're not supposed to take that seriously. I would spoil the rest of the sequence for you, but I don't want to.

After all, it's just a movie, and that joke was supposed to be funny, but it wasn't, but that doesn't make the movie any worse. 


I can't say anything else bad about Police Story, because the fight scenes and two stunts by Jackie. (YES, TWO STUNTS), and climbing over walls and parkour that Chan does in the film is impeccable and just some of his best work.


I'm just waiting for the novelization of the film so I can tell my kids the Police Story of Jackie Chan's Police Force. "One sunny day in Hong Kong..."

Watch Police Story 

Hong Kong cut, Cantonese audio with English subtitles  - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/police-story/1464151619561

Jackie Chan's Police Force - American cut, 1987, English audio, 87 minutes | https://archive.org/details/police-story-export-cut
Alternate version of American cut of Police Story with Kevin Bassinson score
"Police Story 2" - Australian cut, 1990, English audio | 
Strangely with the Police Story 2 title card, Police Story 1 movie and credits...?

Rating: 10/10

Believe's rating: 5/10

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