Wouldn't hurt to post some fan-videos here. (:
Okay, so depending on where you live, tomorrow is the official last day of 2023. This year has been an amazing year. At school, at home, and with action films! Thank you for reading my blog this year. Today, I'm going to be showing you in my opinion - the best fight scenes from every movie I've watched this year!
DIE HARD - McClane vs. Karl
The thing I love most about the fight scene is that John is so angry he just punches him 10 times in a row. We also get to see John get beat up. It shows that he's not a superman unlike most main characters in action movies. He gets punched. He gets tired. I have to say for an American fight scene this is really good. The cinematography is good as well. Beautiful lighting, and NO shaky cams! But the highlight of the fight is the end where McClane hangs Karl from his neck with a chain and just leaves him swinging there. But what people really love about this is the line "I'm gonna cook you and I'm gonna eat you!" from McClane. Might be the best five minutes of the whole thing.
DIE HARD - Shoot The Glass
When I first watched this film, I thought John said "No bullets. F**king stupid arse." Nope. He said " No bullets. You think I'm f***ing stupid, Hans?" But the misheard line is way more funnier. Aside from that, 2 seconds after that line, the best fight scene in Die Hard commences. The shootout. Normally when I watch films, in the fight scenes I look for combat. Punches, kicks, all that stuff. This fight scene doesn't have any of that, yet it's still a REALLY good scene. It's a 1v3, and the 3 villians have more powerful guns. Guess who wins.
Hint: this is a fictional movie.
POLICE STORY - The Climatic Fight
This fight scene is some of Jackie Chan's best work! It's a 2v20 or something and Chan still wins. The realism and epicness in the fight scene is amazing. No shaky cams, just glass breaking and butt-kicking!
Oh. My. God. Hell yes! This film itself is amazing, but the final fight scene is the cherry on top! A martial artist and a kickboxer meeting sounds weird until you watch this movie. This fight scene is an absolute masterpiece. You haven't watched movies until you watch Wheels on Meals.
Wow. Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock - their first films and one of their bests! Just 10 minutes can show the talent of the actors, directors and fight choreographers. The trailer says that Yeoh is Samo Hung (Project A, Eastern Condors, Dragons Forever, Wheels on Meals, Enter the Fat Dragon 1978, Burger Cop)'s favourite actress. Hard to believe Michelle Yeoh isn't everybody's favourite.
THE EAGLE'S SHADOW - Pai vs. Sheng & Sheng vs. Chien
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow has 3 "finales" and 2 of them are super good, so I decided to put both of them in the list! Huang-Cheng Li is blessed with the power of kicking, and his role as the villian is amazing. He is amazingly intimidating and I would NOT want to meet this guy in real life. Simon Yuen was 65 years old in this movie, and he was the one doing all those jumps and kicks and tricks and flips. Everyone who worked on this film were very talented (Jackie and Huang still are)
This is Jackie's first fight with Wong In Shik. Dragon Lord is the second one, which is a sequel to this film. I'm not saying Dragon Lord's is bad, but this one is just slightly better and it's also longer in length. If I made a list of my 100 favourite fight scenes ever, Dragon Lord's climax would probably be at 15 or 20. Okay. So this fight scene is on a mountain between two Kung fu legends (and one of them has fought BRUCE LEE!) and it goes on for 20 minutes and Jackie Chan is losing until he drinks tobacco. What's not to like?
some other pretty good honorable mentions:
dragon and bull vs. the big boss - dragon lord (1982)
the ax gang - drunken master 2 (1994)
jackie vs. luke vs. tung - dragons forever (1988)
road fight - police story (1985)
training facility - supercop (1996)
hulk vs thor - ragnarok (2017)
Drunken Master 2 is the finest installment in the Drunken Master series. Dance of the Drunk Mantis, Story of Drunken Master, Drunken Master & Drunken Master III wish they were as epic as this film! The fight scene (which is 3 back to back fights for about 20 minutes) are the highlight of the film. You need to watch Drunken Master 2 as soon as possible, no matter which version of the movie.
ok bye
This year was a reunion and introduction to many action movies. I WAS planning to watch Fearless Hyena, but decided not to - save it for next year (watching it + the review).
Anyways, the year ends in three days. Here are the best five action movies I have watched this year because ten would be too hard to decide.
Everyone's heard of Die Hard or Bruce Willis or Alan Rickman at least once. This was me for a long time, but then in February of this year after my family finally got a Disney+ subscription, I finally got to watch the movie, and it was amazing.
Full review: Jan 15, 2024
Holy crap. I was missing out. Michelle Yeoh is amazing! The fight choreography is truly amazing and eye-catching like no other 'Girls With Guns' movie. The stunt co-ordination performed by Yeoh and Rothrock is truly epic. Makes you wonder, who choreographed the movie? And what the hell are their secrets?!
Full review - June 24, 2024.
Oh yeah. I love this movie. A LOT. But, it definetly isn't enough to be number 1.
First of all - this movie is VERY different from many Jackie Chan movies. This is an action-sport-comedy, not action-kungfu-comedy. This movie didn't do well in cinemas because of that (and probably because Jackie didn't start shooting the movie with a script), but this is an AMAZING movie. Not to mention the chemistry between Cheung wing-fat and Jackie Chan.
Full review - June 3, 2024
You call yourself a Jacky Chan fan? You've never watched Drunken Master? Bull-crap. The ultimate Jackie fan has definetly watched Drunken Master. It's good, but they're definetly missing out on DRUNKEN MASTER II.
Full review - February 12 2024
While you might have to watch this film anywhere else BUT a plane to feel comfortable, it's still a good flick nonetheless!
Full review - January 29, 2024
The Young Master is one of the greatest 80s Chan films, despite it being his second directing role. I don't even know how to review this one.
The ten minute climatic fight is amazing, and it's just kinda cool to see Chan's character [Dragon] just act like a robot.
The fight choreography is amazing and definetly took many days to come up with.
Also, there is not too much comedy, but when there is, it is subtle and actually funny.
When I first watched the film I thought it was gonna be a boring film, but then I continued it and it was actually amazing.
I bet that when Chan started directing, it was unusual to let a young man ( 26 year old) direct a film that he stars in and writes. But when you let him take charge, he might make a movie you don't want to end.
However, Golden Harvest must have not felt like that, because the film was originally 2 hours longer.
Anyways, The Young Master is a great film to watch when you're bored with great choreography, great writing, and great Jackie Chan stunts.
Okay, kids, what have we learned from The Young Master?
A kung fu fighting man is one of the best men you can find.

You call yourself a film buff because you watch Willis and Lee and Stallone. But will you ever see them jump from the top floor of a mall to the bottom?
Supercop is easily the best work in the Police Story series. Jackie Chan and his stunt team went all out on this one.
Full review - 26 February.
And with that - the 2023 season ends.
See ya Jan 1.
Just kidding.
No, they don't, you dummy. I'm doing a post on the top 8 fight scenes I've watched of 2023, and it's coming out on the 30th.
Wheels On Meals: One Knuckle Sandwhich, Please!
Feliz Navidad, everybody. Sorry for not reviewing a Christmas movie like Die Hard or Police Story, but I'm reviewing every action movie I've ever watched in release date order.
Directed by and starring Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Starring: Jackie Chan
Biao Yuen
Written by: Edward Tang
Johnny Lee
Produced by: Raymond Chow
Release date: August 18, 1984 (Hong Kong)
August 23, 2006 (Australia)
Cousins Thomas (Jackie Chan) and David (Biao Yuen), owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby (Sammo Kam-Bo Hung), a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia (Lola Forner), a pickpocket.
So, Wheels On Meals wasn't my taste at first, but was still a great Chan film.
The first complaint, is that the movie had no outtakes in the Hong Kong version, which I watched, unlike the Japanese version, which aaaaalways gets the better version of the movie. WHY, SBS ON DEMAND??
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's Muck47 from movie-censorship.com's comparison.
The second complaint, is that there's too much scenes where the boys simp about Sylvia. Sure, she's cute and the plot is about saving her, BUT DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE HALF THE SCENES ABOUT HOW MUCH THOMAS AND DAVID WANT TO BE WITH SLYVIA?! NO, YOU DON'T, EDWARD AND JOHHNY.
Most of those scenes are to keep the Jackie Chan tradition of making his action films funny as hell. And it worked, but only with the comedy scenes that weren't about Lola. The SBS-subtitled version has some funny jokes in the subtitles, specifically when Thomas tells Moby to climb a tree and then Moby asks.. "Can Elephants Climb Trees?"
The third complaint, is the ending theme song. It's used twice in the film, both with vocals, and might be my least favourite Jackie Chan song. The instrumental is unpleasent (some of the instruments don't go well) and the lyrics are pretty undeniably offtopic to the film from what I can remember. That's what I thought when I first watched the movie. Then I kept on listening to the song and liked it more! But Spartan X is a much better song
But the action parts of the movie (the unbelievable stunts and fights) did very well and were just amazing to watch. The final fight with The Jet might just have been one of the best fights of the 80s.
Anyways, if you have nothing to do, and you like the three brothers - Jackie, Biao, and Sammo (which are the stars of Hong Kong action movies) then Wheels On Meals is the way to go.Rating: 8/10 (Comedy, theme song, Benny vs Chan, stunts)
Watch Wheels on Meals on
Cantonese with English Subtitles - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/wheels-on-meals/1464155203900
Project A: Project Awesome!
How do you spell, amazing? That line, which was taken from Miramax's 1995 re-release trailer for Project A / Jackie Chan's Project A sums up the whole film and the title. But today we will be reviewing the original version, the one on the UK dvd.
Directed, written by and starring Jackie Chan
Starring: Sammo Kam Bo Hung, Biao Yuen, Dick Wei, Mars
Written by: Edward Tang
Produced by: Raymond Chow
Leonard Ho
Edward Tang
Release date: December 23, 1983 (Hong Kong)
August 8, 2007 (Australia)
Dragon Ma (Jackie Chan) is a lieutenant in the 19th-century Hong Kong marines. Pirates have been terrorizing local waters, with assistance from the corrupt authorities. Dragon Ma hopes to defeat the evil pirate clan led by Sanpao (Dick Wei), but his plan is short-circuited. Ma then teams with a navy admiral (Hak Suen Lau), a police captain Tzu (Biao Yuen) and a crafty thief (Sammo Hung Kam-Bo) in a new round of high-seas battles with Sanpao and his pirates.
How can't you love Project A? I remember being six years old, bored on the weekends, nothing to do, then SBS On Demand was playing Project A. I never heard of Jackie Chan or his films before so I watched the clock tower stunt and then the rest of the film. Since I didn't know the plot, I didn't care about it. Jackie Chan grasped me and I went on to watch Drunken Master and The Karate Kid.
The comedy aspect of the film is the same with Drunken Master. The film has lots of comedy sometimes I wonder if it was promoted as a "Comedy-action" film. But that's okay, because the reason I loved the film was because of how funny it was. Not to mention Jackie, Biao and Sammo's amazing performances, and the fight choreography as well.
However, what ticked me off about the Hong Kong release of the film (that I watched) has only 5 outtake clips in the credits, unlike the Japanese version, which only has about 3 or 4 clips from the film. One thing I love about Chan's films is the credits. They're the parts I look forward to the most. So it sucked knowing that the credits are took up by a 50 second long freeze frame, seen below.
Anyways, despite the credits, Project A is an amazing movie to see, with undeniably one of Chan's best stunts, and probably fight scenes with the one in the restaurant.
Yeah, sure the bar fight is amazing to, but that one was just the cops losing their temper. Everyone in that scene was a protagonist.
Anyways, Project A is one of my biggest Chan recommendations and I forget how amazing it is until I rewatch it.
Rating: 9/10
Watch Project A on
Chinese with English subtitles (2019) - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/project-a/1464154179755
The Young Master: A Grimace with Every Hit
Directed, written by and starring Jackie Chan
Starring: Yuen Biao
Fung Fung
Shih Kien
Whang in Shik
Written by: Edward Tang
Lau Tin-chi
Tung Lu
Produced by: Raymond Chow, Leonard Ho
A kung-fu fighter (Jackie Chan) is mistaken for a fugitive while searching for his runaway brother.
The Young Master is one of the greatest 80s Chan films, despite it being his second directing role. I don't even know how to review this one.
The ten minute climatic fight is amazing, and it's just kinda cool to see Chan's character [Dragon] just act like a robot.
The fight choreography is amazing and definetly took many days to come up with.
Also, there is not too much comedy, but when there is, it is subtle and actually funny.
When I first watched the film I thought it was gonna be a boring film, but then I continued it and it was actually amazing.
I bet that when Chan started directing, it was unusual to let a young man ( 26 year old) direct a film that he stars in and writes. But when you let him take charge, he might make a movie you don't want to end.
However, Golden Harvest must have not felt like that, because the film was originally 2 hours longer.
Anyways, The Young Master is a great film to watch when you're bored with great choreography, great writing, and great Jackie Chan stunts.
Okay, kids, what have we learned from The Young Master?
A kung fu fighting man is one of the best men you can find.
Yue Chinese with English subtitles (from 1995) - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/the-young-master/1464158275762
Rating: 9/10
Drunken Master: Must-See, Must Drink
Happy December, folks!
Starring: Jackie Chan
Yuen Siu-tien
Jwang-lee Hwang
Director: Yuen Woo-ping
Written by: Siao Lung
Ng See-yuen
Produced by: Ng See-yuen
Release date: December 31, 2015 (Australia)
October 1, 1978 (Hong Kong)
Wong Fei-Hung (Jackie Chan) stars as the mischievous young son of a martial arts school master who is constantly clowning around when he should be learning kung fu. After his comic antics injure the son of a powerful local man, his father enlists the help of his sadistic uncle to teach his son a little self-discipline. This strange man, who has a reputation for crippling his students, tries to teach Fei-Hung a bizarre style of kung fu.
I love this movie.
This movie has everything. A bad main character who turns into a pretty likeable one by the middle of the film, usual bad English 80s dubbing, Jackie Chan and his aerobics, and I love it so much.
No matter what version I watch the film I'll still love it.
Normally, I don't like when action-comedies have TOO MUCH comedy like Jackie Chan's First Strike, and Project A, but I don't like the lack of comedy in Die Hard.
But I think this one stuck to me because the comedy was actually funny, and there was a lot of it.
I think my brain was programmed to love everything comedy.
The film has a lot of wacky moments, but what were you expecting from a film about fighting drunk?
English - www.archive.org/details/TheDrunkenMaster1978
Snake in The Eagle's Shadow: The Start of Jackie Chan's Prime
Starring: Jackie Chan
Yuen Siu-Tien
Jwang Lee Hwang
Directed by: Yuen Woo Ping
Written by: Ng See-yuen
Choi Gai-gwong
Tsai Chi-kuang
Produced by: Ng See-yuen
Chen Chuan
Release date (Hong Kong): March 1, 1978
Chien Fu, an orphan adopted by a kung fu school, is overworked as their janitor while being bullied and abused by the kung fu teachers as a walking punching-bag, with the school's cook, Ah-Wu, being his only sympathizer. Chien befriends an old beggar by offering him a meal and a place to stay. Unknown to Chien, the old beggar is actually Pai Cheng-tien, one of the last surviving masters of the Snake-style of kung fu. Pai is on the run from the Eagle Claw clan, which is viciously killing off all of the rival Snake-style masters, but is ambushed by Eagle Claw student Su Chen and an assassin masquerading as a Christian missionary (Roy Horan), and is injured. After being abused once more, Chien later finds Pai and helps him recover. Pai agrees to give him more lessons, on the condition that he does not call him "sifu" ("master"), since they are friends. The real reason, however, is to keep Chien's connection with him secret from his pursuers.
Snake in The Eagle's Shadow is most likely the earliest action film I've ever watched, and it did not dissapoint.
Chien Fu is an instantly likeable character, unlike Fei-Hung in Drunken Master. The film also has Jackie's classic slapstick humor which is why we love him and his works to this day.
It also has some ridiculous fighting scenes and acting, which is what makes the film amazing.
But what I really love about the English dub of the film is ridiculous sound effects and voice actors, which was so bad it was just funny.
Jwang Lee also does an amazing job as the villian. He never gives up, and I like that, even if it's for bad purposes.
The casting choice for the film is genius and also the same as Drunken Master, which I review next week!
P.S. There are no eagle shadows in the film, and even if there were, I don't think you'd see a snake in them.
Rating: 7/10
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Who Am I?
Hi, I'm Oliver, a 10-year old who has many job decisions when he grows up. Acting, writing, and film reviewing. I figure this is a good place to start.
I've been watching action movies ever since the age of six, with Project A, Rush Hour and Will Smith's Karate Kid, and they have grown to be my favourite movie genre ever.
This blog is not the only thing I work on. I'm the director, soundtrack composer, writer and voice actor for Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Animated Series which is a fan-series I've been working on since June of this year.
I also am the publisher, writer, illustrator and editor of 198 Days which is a comic series in the style of Big Nate or Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
official198days.blogspot.com / 198days.tumblr.com
The comic series is aiming for 198 comic strips and is now at 60 something.
Anyways, I figure you're bored about reading me talk about what I do, so I'm gonna start talking about some other things.
Police Story is not my first Chan film. Regardless, this film rocks.
Full review - January 1, 2024
Project Amazing is one of my first and favourite Jackie Chan films
Supercop was the best Police Story in my opinion. It's the only Hong Kong film I've watched with Michelle Yeoh as one of the main protagonists.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid is my favourite book series, and I've been reading it since 2019. Rodrick Rules is the best film in the series so far. If you remember, I direct Wimpy Kid Animated.
Tom Gates is essentially like Wimpy Kid, which is why I love it so much, except the protagonist is a nicer person.
Favourite show is Lazytown.
Anyways, now you know more about me, but here's some more info.
Name: Oliver
Country: Congo (birth country Australia)
Age: 10
Favourite movies: Supercop, Die Hard 2, Drunken Master 2
Favourite book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Cabin Fever
Favourite comic series: Big Nate
Favourite bands: Mike Kalambay & Shekina Music, the Bill Wurtz Band
Favourite movie soundtracks: Project A (Micheal Lai), Police Story (Kevin Bassinson), Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 (Edward Shearmur)
Favourite television programs: LazyTown, Henry Danger
Occupation: Film critic, director, composer, writer and voice actor
Favourite color: Orange, red
Favourite actor: Jackie Chan, Magnus Scheving
Other websites: 198days.tumblr.com, wimpykidanimated.blogspot.com
Birthday: 8 July
Favourite food: Ramen, pizza, cookies
Dream vacations: New York City, Paris, Hong Kong
More posts
So, I've written and scheduled some more reviews for this blog. Here are the movies and publish date
Die Hard 4.0 / Live Free or Die Hard (2007) - May 6, 2024
Ip Man (2008) - May 13, 2024
The Spy Next Door (2010) - May 20, 2024
Thor III: Ragnarok (2017) - May 24, 2024
Stay tuned for Snake in The Eagle's Shadow which comes out November 27!
Welcome to action movie review Mondays
So here's a timeline of all reviews so far and the Monday they come out AEST time:
- Snake in The Eagle's Shadow (1978) - November 27
- Drunken Master (1978) - December 4
- The Young Master (1980) - December 11
- Project A (1983) - December 18
- Wheels On Meals (1984) - December 25
- Police Story (1985) - January 1
- Project A: Part 2 (1987) - January 8
- Die Hard (1988) - January 15
- Police Story 2 (1988) - January 22
- Die Harder (1990): January 29
- Armour of God 2: Operation Condor (1991) - February 5
- Drunken Master II (1994) - February 12
- Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) - February 19
- Super Cop (1996) - February 26
MARCH 2024
Newest Review
Enter the Fat Dragon
Sammo Hung's action movie form of a tribute to legend Bruce Lee who he previously worked with in Enter the Dragon. Enter the Fat Dragon...

Skip the section from 1:57-2:24. Dumb editing mistake I made.