
Wheels On Meals: One Knuckle Sandwhich, Please!

 Feliz Navidad, everybody. Sorry for not reviewing a Christmas movie like Die Hard or Police Story, but I'm reviewing every action movie I've ever watched in release date order.


Directed by and starring Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

Starring: Jackie Chan

Biao Yuen

Written by: Edward Tang

Johnny Lee

Produced by: Raymond Chow

Release date: August 18, 1984 (Hong Kong)

August 23, 2006 (Australia) 


Cousins Thomas (Jackie Chan) and David (Biao Yuen), owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby (Sammo Kam-Bo Hung), a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia (Lola Forner), a pickpocket.


So, Wheels On Meals wasn't my taste at first, but was still a great Chan film.

The first complaint, is that the movie had no outtakes in the Hong Kong version, which I watched, unlike the Japanese version, which aaaaalways gets the better version of the movie. WHY, SBS ON DEMAND??

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's Muck47 from movie-censorship.com's comparison. 

The second complaint, is that there's too much scenes where the boys simp about Sylvia. Sure, she's cute and the plot is about saving her, BUT DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE HALF THE SCENES ABOUT HOW MUCH THOMAS AND DAVID WANT TO BE WITH SLYVIA?! NO, YOU DON'T, EDWARD AND JOHHNY. 

Most of those scenes are to keep the Jackie Chan tradition of making his action films funny as hell. And it worked, but only with the comedy scenes that weren't about Lola. The SBS-subtitled version has some funny jokes in the subtitles, specifically when Thomas tells Moby to climb a tree and then Moby asks.. "Can Elephants Climb Trees?"

The third complaint, is the ending theme song. It's used twice in the film, both with vocals, and might be my least favourite Jackie Chan song. The instrumental is unpleasent (some of the instruments don't go well) and the lyrics are pretty undeniably offtopic to the film from what I can remember. That's what I thought when I first watched the movie. Then I kept on listening to the song and liked it more! But Spartan X is a much better song

But the action parts of the movie (the unbelievable stunts and fights) did very well and were just amazing to watch. The final fight with The Jet might just have been one of the best fights of the 80s. 

Anyways, if you have nothing to do, and you like the three brothers - Jackie, Biao, and Sammo (which are the stars of Hong Kong action movies) then Wheels On Meals is the way to go.
Oh, and yes, there are actually wheels on meals in this movie.

Rating: 8/10 (Comedy, theme song, Benny vs Chan, stunts)

Watch Wheels on Meals on

Cantonese with English Subtitles - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/wheels-on-meals/1464155203900

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