
Interviewing my brother on Police Story

 Yes, this is an interview from January 2024. I just don't feel like sharing the voices.

O: Hello everyone, welcome back to Action Movie Review Mondays and we've got my anime-loving brother back again, Believe... uhh.. yeah. Believe. I'm gonna ask you some questions about POLICE STORY. So what was your first thought during the fight scenes?

B: Uhm, they were pretty cool. Like, I like how they were pretty cool. 

O: laughs Who was your favourite character?

B: Um, main character. (He is talking about Kevin Ka-Kui)

O: Really?

B: Yeah.

O: You just go with that answer?

B: Yeah.

O: Well, why?

B: Cuz, he's on top.

O: Okay. What was your favourite scene?

B: Where Jackie Chan (Kevin) got May off that motorcycle, whatever. (I asked him why a few hours later and he thinks that May deserved it.)

O: Really? 

B: Yeah.

O: I've heard a lot of people don't like that scene.

B: Why?

O: Many people don't like Kevin as the main character because he's "mean" to his girlfriend.

B: Mean on deez nuts.

O: Wow. Why are you like this? Secondly, I mean, I don't even know which question this is, uhh, if there was a Police Story 9 (there is a Police Story 9 coming out in 2024, so I meant to say Police Story 10), would you watch it?

B: Hell no.

O: Why?

B: There'd be 55 Police Stories.

O: laughs What? Okay, uhm.. And lastly, and what would you rate POLICE STORY out of ten?

B: Five.

O: 5/10??

B: Yeah. Cool.

O: Thank you for listening, and we'll be back with more Believe on ACTION MOVIE REVIEW MONDAYS next week!


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