
My Wimpy Kid Review Site



DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER - Will blow you through the ceiling

 Normally, the post titles depend on what version of the film I've watched. The film was released as Die Hard 2 in cinemas and on the movie's title card, but in Australia, we call the film Die Hard 2: Die Harder. So that's why instead of using the correct title, I used Die Hard 2 - Die Harder

Directed by Renny Harlin

Screenplay by   
    Steven E. de Souza
    Doug Richardson
Based on 58 Minutes by Walter Wager

       Produced by   
    Charles Gordon
    Lawrence Gordon
    Joel Silver
Starring Bruce Willis
    Bonnie Bedelia
    William Atherton
    Reginald VelJohnson
    Franco Nero
    William Sadler
    John Amos

Release date: July 3, 1990

August 30, 1990 (Australia)


In 1990, A year after his heroics in L.A, detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) is mixed up in another terrorist plot, this time at Washington Dulles International Airport, where he is waiting for his wife (Bonnie Bedelia). That same night, South American politico and drug profiteer Ramon Esperanza (Franco Nero) is arriving in U.S. custody. McClane takes action when a treasonous ex-colonel (William Sadler) seizes control of the airport, threatening to crash every inbound flight unless Esperanza is freed.



Hard take but Die Harder is better then Die Hard. Why? Well, this movie is funnier, has better writing, and better fight scenes. Also, the villian's death in this movie is incredible.

Die Hard 2 is a Christmas flick that can be watched at any time of the year. It's great, the villains are better, and the writing in this movie is more genius.

When we cut to Holly on the plane with the old lady and Thornburg, we get countless funny scenes, but also some other serious ones like when they're praying after finding out about the other plane crash.

Constanza does a great job at being the bad protagonist, and Willis' acting is actually better in this one then last time.

Die Hard 2 is a great flick with a great cast and writing, and you should watch it NOW.

My only advice is that if you're on a plane and they have this movie in the film selection, don't watch it. It's probably cut by... 1hr, 55m. (p.s. the film is 1hr, 57m)

Rating: 8/10 

Watch Die Harder at




Police Story Part II: China becomes Boomtown



Starring, directed and written by Jackie Chan

 Written by
    Edward Tang
    Masahiro Kakefuda

Produced by Leonard Ho


Maggie Cheung

Bill Tung 

Lam Kwok-Hung
Chor Yuen
Charlie Cho
Benny Lai

Release date (Hong Kong): 20 August, 1988

October 10, 2007 (Australia)


 His personal war against crime has earned Royal Hong Kong Police Force Detective Kevin Chan (Jackie Chan) a demotion from detective to traffic cop just as Hong Kong is hit with a wave of bomb scares. Chan tracks down the bombers but not before his girlfriend, May (Maggie Cheung) is abducted.



While Police Story 2 is an amazing film, there's something that Police Story 1 just had that Police Story 2 doesn't. Police Story 2 has 4 major fight/stunt/beat up scenes like with Police Story, but Police Story 2 had more comedy, and all the fights were for a reason. Two fights in Police Story 2 is started by the villains of Police Story (John and Tom Chu) disrespecting May and Kevin, but the fights in Police Story were started by the bad guys. The first fight was another attempt to get Selina, the second was an attempt to beat Kevin so he didn't rescue Selina, and the third was so that all of Chu's men didn't get the briefcase with the proof of a murder in it. 

Anyways, Police Story 2 also lacks funny parts. May entering the men's bathroom and acting like a moron is supposed to be funny, but it isn't. It just makes me not like May even more. That's how you know they're a good actor. 

The big stunt in Police Story 2 was also very cool, but it wasn't played at 3 angles (and wasn't as cool as the mall slide in Police Story 1).

Maybe one day Australia will be hit with a bomb and I'll stop the bombs...

Watch Police Story 2 at

www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/jackie-chans-police-story-2/1464150595940 (Extended Japanese version, Chinese audio, English subtitles)

Rating: 7/10

Believe's rating: 7/10


Die Hard will blow you through the backwall of the room


Directed by John McTiernan

Starring Bruce Willis

Bonny Bedelia

Alan Rickman

Written by Steven Souza

Jeb Stuart

Based on Nothing Lasts Forever by Rodrick Thorp

Produced by Lawrence Gordon

Joel Silver

Release Date: July 15, 1988

October 6, 1988 (Australia)



 New York City policeman John McClane (Bruce Willis) is visiting his estranged wife (Bonnie Bedelia) and two daughters on Christmas Eve. He joins her at a holiday party in the headquarters of the Japanese-owned business she works for. But the festivities are interrupted by a group of terrorists who take over the exclusive high-rise, and everyone in it. Very soon McClane realizes that there's no one to save the hostages -- but him.



Everyone's heard of Die Hard or Bruce Willis or Alan Rickman at least once. This was me for a long time, but then in February of this year after my family finally got a Disney+ subscription, I finally got to watch the movie, and it was amazing.

The main character is actually a believable realistic person who'd you want to be around. Alan Rickman does a great job as being the charming killer (even though he still bad) and Reginald VelJohnson was the funniest part of the movie, and the only reason I mark it as an action-comedy.

Not to mention the epic Yippie Ki Yay catchphrase by McClane. The film might not have any over-the-top stunts (if jumping off a 80 something story building isn't an over the top stunt), but it's a great flick and is a great option to watch, bored or not.

The film has a lot of swearing, a nude magazine, extreme violence and deaths. But what were you expecting from a film named "Die Hard"?

Watch Die Hard on 

https://archive.org/details/DieHard_201804 | Original version


Original version

Rating: 7.5/10

Believe's rating: 55/10


35 Things You Might Not Have Known About The Action Stars #9 - Arnold Schwarznegger.

  1.  He saved a man's life while on vacation.
  2. He has been selected Governor of California
  3. He grew up with no phone.
  4. He grew up with no toilet.
  5. He grew up with no fridge.
  6. Father in law of Chris Pratt.
  7. Broke six ribs in a motorcycle crash, Dec. 2001.
  8.  He has 135 IQ.
  9. He has a black belt in Taekwondo.
  10. He is not a citizen of Austria.
  11. He supports the death penalty.
  12. That is why he is not a citizen of Austria.
  13. He became a US citizen in 1983.
  14. He was originally going to play the lead in Robocop.
  15. He is referenced in Die Hard.
  16. This is when McClane says "They got missiles and enough plastic explosives to orbit Arnold Schwarzenegger."
  17. Ironically, he turned down the role of John McClane.
  18.  Called by the Guinness Book of World Records, "the most perfectly developed man in the history of the world."
  19. He had pictures of oiled-up men on his bedroom walls.
  20. His mother thought he was LGTBQIA+.
  21. His favourite film of his own is Kindergarten Cop.
  22. He kept the sword he used in Conan the Barbarian (1982) in the Governor's office when he served as California's governor.
  23. As a kid he had 3 things he wanted to do when he grew up.
  24. Marry a Kennedy.
  25. Become an actor.
  26. Move to America.
  27. He accomplished all those things.
  28.  Performed many of his own stunts in his films, owing largely to the fact that it was hard to find stunt doubles who matched his size.
  29. His wife is John F. Kennedy's niece.
  30. Won Mr. Olympia title seven times (1970-1975, 1980).
  31. He was originally a soccer player.
  32. He began bodybuilding at age 17.
  33. Competetively.
  34. He served in the Austrian army.
  35. His first language was German.


35 Things You Might Not Have Known About The Action Star #8 - Sylvester Stallone

  1.  He was expelled from 14 schools as a kid.
  2. This was because of violent behaviour
  3. And also anti-social behavior.
  4. He doesn't like his first name.
  5. That's why he calls himself "Sly".
  6. His classmates voted him "most likely to end up in the electric chair".
  7. He is the only actor to have 5 box office records in five decades(1970s-2020s)
  8. His mother is a fan of Jackie Chan.
  9. Him and Jackie Chan are friends.
  10. In fact, they co-starred against eachother and Whoopie Goldberg in "Burn Hollywood Burn"
  11.  All his children's names begin with the letter "S": Sage, Sargeoh, Sophia, Sistine and Scarlet.
  12. He was payed 60,000 for Cop Land, but he only did so he could star in a serious role.
  13. He oil paints in his spare time.
  14. Da Vinci is his hero.
  15. He broke up with his girlfriend over a FedEx letter in 1994.
  16. They reconciled in 1995.
  17. They got married in 1997.
  18. He is a fan and friend of Elton John.
  19. He refused 4 million dollars to do a commercial because he had to cut his hair.
  20. Even after being offered another million he would NOT do the commercial.
  21. He is one of George Bush's favourite actors.
  22. He is Empire's #92nd best actor of October 1997.
  23. His first job was as a lion cage cleaner.
  24. He worked on the script of Beverly Hills Cop
  25. During the filming of Victory (1981), Stallone broke a finger trying to save a penalty kick from Pelé.
  26. He turned down the role of two Bruce Willis roles.
  27. One of them was as John McClane for Die Hard.
  28. The other was for Pulp Fiction.
  29. He called for America to ban guns after his friend died.
  30. Unironically he uses many guns in his movies.
  31. He is the all time Razzie movie award champion.
  32.  Since his evolution to fame and fortune, he stopped going to church.
  33. But in 2006, he came back to the Catholic church when he started filming "Rocky Balboa".
  34. Sylvester sued his former business manager, Kenneth Starr, for giving him bad business advice.
  35. He has been a lifelong repbulican.



35 Things You Might Not Have Known About The Action Star #7 - Chuck Norris

  1.  There are only three Americans who have recieved an eight degree black belt in Taekwondo.
  2. Yes, he is one of them.
  3. He often trained with Bruce Lee.
  4. He also fought him in "Way of the Dragon".
  5. Bruce Lee said in a real fight that Chuck would win.
  6. He has made two martial arts.
  7. He visited US forces fighting in Iraq 2006.
  8.  He later produced a film called Answering the call, which documented and featured this trip to Iraq.
  9. He is a military veteran
  10. Steve McQueen got Chuck Norris into acting.
  11. Chuck Norris needed to obey a producer’s request in order to face off against Bruce Lee.
  12. That request was to gain 20 pounds.
  13.  Chuck Norris had his own cartoon series.
  14. Chuck Norris’s full name is Carlos Ray Norris.
  15. Norris was named after his father’s minister, Carlos Berry.
  16. He was an introvert at school.
  17. He was not athletic.
  18. He was academically mediocre.
  19.  While on the waiting list for the police force, in 1962, Norris opened his first martial arts studio.
  20. 1989 was the year that Norris received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  21. In 1992 with support from President George Bush, Norris set up his own charitable organization called Kickstart.
  22. Norris has only ever lost ten fights in his life.
  23. On March 28, 2007, Norris became an honorary United States Marine 
  24. Norris claimed his favorite Chuck Norris Fact was “They wanted to add his face to Mount Rushmore, but the granite is not hard enough for his beard.”
  25. Norris has shared that his parent’s unstable finances and the embarrassment of his father’s alcoholism are the main reasons for his introverted character as a child.
  26. He is also a producer.
  27. And a screenwriter.
  28. And a book writer.
  29. He was discharged from the US Air Force in August 1962.
  30. He has a 10th degree black belt in Tang Soo Do
  31. At the 2010 ActionFest, Norris won the Lifetime Achievement Award.
  32. Chuck Norris' website's footer has some Chuck Norris Facts on the bottom.
  33. He was the World Karate Champion of 1972.
  34. He got choked by his teacher as a kid.
  35. He is literally immune to rattlesnakes.


Project A II: A punch with some bad aim


Graphic I made for Project A II

Starring, directed and written by Jackie Chan

Starring Maggie Cheung

 Rosamund Kwan

Bill Tung

Written and produced by Edward Tang

Produced by Raymond Chow

Leonard Ho


 Corrupt Royal Hong Kong Police Force inspector Chun (David Lam) has made himself the most powerful law enforcement officer in Hong Kong by staging high-profile arrests of the criminals and mobsters with whom he's in cahoots. The British authorities know Chun is a dirty cop but have not been able to infiltrate his inner circle. Enter fearless and incorruptible military policeman  Royal Hong Kong Police Force Sergeant"Dragon Ma" Yun (Jackie Chan), who comes back to his hometown to pose as Chun's new right-hand man and take down both cops and criminals.


I honestly am not too fond of this film. Firstly, it's missing Biao Yuen and Sammo Hung which were the best parts of the first Project A in 1983. But, to make up for it, we get Maggie Cheung's brilliant role as Maggie is amazing. She has great acting and is one of the best parts of Project A 2. Not to mention Bill Tung, who is hilarious in all his movies. Also, Ken Lo!

I first saw this film on TV when I was 6, like with Project A. But Project A stuck more to me. The plot of this film is forgettable, and so is the climax stunt. The whole film itself is unforgettable. But the amazing stunt sequences, characters, fight scenes and acting makes it up! No idiot comes to a Jackie Chan movie for the plot. They want the kicks! The slaps! The insults! The stunts!

 One of the things I find better about the movie is the outtakes. All versions have the same song, and actually have more outtakes then clips from the movie, but Project A only had 5 outtakes unlike this one. So I guess it lives up to Chan's tradition of putting outtakes in his movie credits.

Anyways, I don't hate the movie, but it's hard to follow, and is kinda boring at some times with the plot scenes. With Project A you could watch the scenes that had no action because it either added to the plot or was funny. Project A 2 is an astonishing film, but you want something very easy to remember, and actually funny, I recommend Project A.

Project B proceeds! But mid-way through, go back to Project A.

Watch Project A 2 at

Yue Chinese with English subtitles https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/project-a-2/17932867730

English cut, 1980s 

Rating: 7/10 (Good fight scenes, good acting, good credits)



35 Things You Might not Have Known About the Action Star #6 - Biao Yuen


  1.  He stunt doubled for Bruce Lee in Game of Death.
  2. He was a stuntman in Fist of Fury. 
  3. He was also a stuntman in Way of the Dragon.
  4. He stunt doubled for Jackie Chan in Drunken Master.
  5. He choreographed Heart of Dragon, a movie which his two "brothers" star in.
  6. He has more fans in Japan then Hong Kong.
  7. He is the youngest of the three brothers.
  8. Yuen is not his real last name.
  9. It is his masters.
  10. He is mistaken to be the brother of Won Jin due to similar Cantonese names.
  11. The last film he starred with Jackie Chan in was released 18 years ago.
  12. IMDB lists him as "the most talented out of the three brothers"
  13. He used to be credited as Jimmy Yuen in the USA.
  14. He also used to be credited as Bill Yuen
  15. Biao appeared a lot on Sammo Hung's website.
  16. Once he was interviewed and asked 100 questions.
  17. He has once been in a car for 30 hours.
  18. Biao says if he wasn't an actor he would be a businessman.
  19. Biao has never had a serious injury.
  20. He once slept 38 hours.
  21. The longest letter he wrote was 50 pages.
  22. If he had to describe himself in one word it would be 'self-confident'.
  23. He calls his fanbase his friends.
  24. He always reads his fan mail.
  25. He started doing Kung fu because he hated studying.
  26. There is no food he won't eat.
  27. He didn't go to Jr. High School.
  28. His worst subject is history.
  29. He has only directed one complete film.
  30. That film is "A Kid from Tibet"
  31. His real name is Ha Lingchun
  32. Just like his two brothers Samo Hung and Jackie Chan, he has his own film company.
  33. His film company is named Yuen Biao Films Limited.
  34. Yuen has a second home in Canada.
  35. He enjoys golf.


Jackie Chan in the 90s

 Wouldn't hurt to post ANOTHER fan-video (: 

70s fanvideo could be coming if I'd watched more then "Snake in Eagle's Shadow" & "Drunken Master"

35 Things You Might Not Have Known About The Action Star #5: Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

  1.  He was credited as Sammo Kam-Po Hung for Yes, Madam.
  2. He was credited as Samo Hung for Wheels on Meals.
  3. George Lucas wanted him to choreograph the fights in Star Wars
  4. His name is spelt "Samo" but since it kept on being mispronounced as "Say-mo" another M was added to it.
  5. He attended the same school as Biao Yuen,
  6. He also attended the same school as Jackie Chan.
  7. He ALSO attended the same school as Yuen Wah.
  8. Together they make the three brothers
  9. In a street fight someone shoved a broken Coke bottle up his mouth. 
  10. That is how he got his scar.
  11. He knows seven fighting styles.
  12. Sammo is known for his infectious laugh and playful personality. He often breaks into impromptu dance moves or jokes on set, creating a joyful and collaborative atmosphere.
  13. Sammo became a director due to a string of injuries early in his career. Unable to perform stunts, he took on directing roles, later finding success and acclaim.
  14. Him and his two "brothers" all worked with Bruce Lee. Biao Yuen and Jackie Chan were his stunt doubles.
  15. Sammo is actively involved in charity work, supporting organizations that focus on children's welfare, animal rights, and disaster relief.
  16. He established the Hong Kong Action Stunt Guild Association to train and support stunt performers and preserve the legacy of Hong Kong action cinema.
  17. Despite his fame, Sammo still performs many of his own stunts. From high falls to complex fight sequences, his dedication to practical effects is admirable.
  18.  Sammo is considered one of the greatest action choreographers of all time. His innovative and realistic fight scenes have influenced countless films and martial artists.
  19. Remember the person Bruce Lee fights in the beginning of Enter the Dragon?
  20. Sammo began his film career as a child extra in Bruce Lee's "Fist of Fury." Bruce Lee's influence greatly impacted Sammo's fighting style and dedication to film.
  21. Some of Jackie Chan's most popular films were directed by him. 
  22. This includes:
  23. Project A as the co-director.
  24. Winners and Sinners..
  25. Wheels on Meals...
  26. My Lucky Stars...
  27. Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars..
  28. First Mission..
  29. & Dragons Forever.
  30. His fighting skills are so good that the crew of First Mission asked him to fight in the film.
  31. His character is disabled in that film.
  32. He starred in Enter the Dragon.
  33. He also starred as the main character of Enter the Fat Dragon, a spinoff.
  34. He appeared in the first Australian martial arts film.
  35. He also choreographed it.


35 Things You Might Not Have Known About The Action Star #4: Bruce Lee

  1.   Went bowling with Jackie Chan in July 1973.
  2. His favourite stuntman of his was Jackie Chan.
  3. He spoke four languages.
  4. He was capable of doing pushups with ONE finger.
  5. He was capable of doing pushups with a 250 pound man on his back.
  6. Bruce was born in the year of the dragon, 1940, in the hour of the dragon (6 a.m)
  7.  He tought Kareem Abdul Jabbar martial arts.
  8. He was a Hong Kong cha cha cha dance champion.
  9. He was trained by Ip Man for 3 years.
  10. He trained to the Mission Impossible theme.
  11. He could name every karate term.
  12. Once fought Chuck Norris.
  13. Chuck Norris attended his funeral (July 25, 1973)
  14. He recieved 30,000 for "The Big Boss" & "Fist of Fury".
  15. When he did sparring sessions, he preffered them full-contact.
  16. Lee was a perfectionist his whole life.
  17. When he recieved money as a child actor, he kept it in a box.
  18. Or he used it to buy gifts for his family.
  19. Ranked 100 on Empire's 1997 list of the top 100 movie stars.
  20. Ranked as the second most inspiring Asian American on the Goldsea American Asia Daily list of Top 100 most inspiring Asian-Americans
  21. He was so fast on the set of his movies that they had to slow down the footage.
  22. The heaviest he ever weighed was 73 kg.
  23. Developed a trick for showing off his speed: a person held a coin and closed his hand and, as he closed it, Lee would take it and could even swap the coin for another.
  24. His private lessons cost $275 an hour because of how much students he got.
  25.  It was theorized that his death was a curse.
  26. It was theorized his death were Japanese demons.
  27. His son's death on the set of the Crow in 1993 was used as a reason as to this curse.
  28. He was a gang leader.
  29. He felt breaking boards had nothing to do with martial arts.
  30. Ironically, in "The Big Boss" (1971), his character gets drunk at a dinner party and breaks a board.
  31. He once knocked out a wrestler in 10 seconds
  32. On Nov. 27, 2005 (what would've been his 45th birthday) he got a gold statue dedicated to himself in Hong Kong.
  33. He made a short film on the set of The Big Boss for his family.
  34. Missing an episode of his favourite soap drama could leave him upset for days.


35 Things You Might Not Have Known About the Action Star #3 - Michelle Yeoh

  1.  She returned from a five-year hiatus just so she could work on Police Story 3: Supercop.
  2. She was so good at fighting in "Tomorrow Never Dies" that they had to call up Sing ba Gan (Jackie Chan's stunt team) to find a stuntman that was as good as her.
  3. She is Samo Hung's favourite actress.
  4. She is so good with stuntwork that Jackie Chan got jealous on the set of Supercop.
  5. She was billed as Michelle Khan for the release of Supercop.
  6. She was billed as Michelle Kheng for the release of Yes Madam.
  7. She trained for eight hours a day before filming Yes Madam
  8. She was Miss Malaysia of 1983.
  9. She agreed to doing a commercial with a "Sing Lung" and she didn't even know that was Jackie Chan.
  10.  She has no proper training in Kung fu.
  11. She almost quit acting in 1996 because of a failed stunt.
  12. Most of the roles she has were originally made for men.
  13. She is the first Malaysian to win an Academy Award.
  14. She speaks four languages.
  15. She wanted to be a ballerina
  16. She was forced to do Miss Malaysia
  17. She does her own stunts
  18. She is often mistaken to be from Hong Kong
  19. She has her own production company, Mythical Films.
  20. Yeoh can hold her breath for over 4 minutes.
  21. She credits Jackie Chan's work ethic and dedication to stunts as a major influence on her own career.
  22. She also has called him a male chauvinist pig.
  23. Yeoh is the first Malaysian to star in a Hollywood blockbuster (Tomorrow Never Dies) and the first Asian actress to lead a Disney animated film (Raya and the Last Dragon).
  24. She's a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and advocates for children's education and welfare worldwide.
  25.   She avoids dubbing to maintain authenticity in her performances.
  26. She trained Kate Winslet for the fight scenes in Ang Lee's Hulk and Lucy Liu for Charlie's Angels.
  27. Yeoh speaks out against Hollywood's typecasting and fights for more representation of Asian actors in leading roles.
  28. She designed many of the cool weapons and tech Wai Lin uses in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" herself.
  29. In the male-dominated world of action films, Michelle Yeoh helped pave the way for strong female characters. Her powerful performances challenged stereotypes and inspired generations of actresses.
  30. Michelle Yeoh is a passionate animal rights activist. She's spoken out against cruelty and even refused to wear fur in costumes, opting for faux alternatives.
  31. In the 1980s, Hong Kong action cinema was dominated by men. Yeoh shattered the glass ceiling, becoming one of the first female action stars and paving the way for others like Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi.
  32.    She performed in various stage productions and even choreographed some of her own fight scenes.
  33. Yeoh's first love was ballet, even attending the prestigious Royal Academy of Dance in London. An injury at 15 forced her to switch paths, leading her to the world of action cinema.
  34. She performed the motorcycle stunt in Supercop, despite not knowing how to ride a motorcycle.
  35. Michelle Yeoh was promoted as Sammo Hung's favourite actress in the trailer for Yes Madam.


35 Things You Might Not Have Known about the Action Star #2 - Bruce Wilis


  1. He has dementia.
  2. A movie category at the Razzie Awards was named after him: "Worst Bruce Willis Film".
  3. It was then removed because the Razzie awarders were unaware he had dementia.
  4. He played John McClane in Die Hard because the producers were looking for a person to bring humour to the film.
  5. He offered 1 million to anyone who would bring in Al-Qaeda terrorists in 2005.
  6.  Filmed his scenes in "Mortal Thoughts" in 10 days.
  7. He divorced in 1998 for no reason.
  8. In 1997 he stated he wouldn't do any more violent movies. 
  9. Then the next two Die Hards released in 2007 and 2013.
  10. Then he said it again in 2001.
  11. And again in 2013.
  12. He was the first guest actor to appear on Friends (1993)
  13. Speaking of Friends, the characters on the show are big fans of Die Hard 1 & 2.
  14. He is left handed but learned to right with both hands in 1998.
  15. He won an Emmy for his role in Friends.
  16. He turned down the role of a ghost for the film 'Ghost' in 1990 because he thought it would ruin his career.
  17. Ironically one of his most critically acclaimed films was released in 1999 and had him playing a ghost. 
  18. Bruce Willis did all of McClane's stunts in Die Hard.
  19. Only celebrity to show up at Julia Robert's 1994 wedding.
  20. Most bloopers of Die Hard feature Willis trying to add light-hearted humor to the movie.
  21. First actor to voice a character in a video game.
  22. Made songs as a teenager
  23. One of those songs are about cheeseburgers.
  24. He had been acting for 30 years before acting in a family feature film (The Kid in 2000).
  25. He reprised the John McClane role from Die Hard 1-2 in Loaded Weapon (1993).
  26. The only reason he starred in an episode of Friends was because he lost a bet.
  27. He stuttered as a kid a lot.
  28. He stopped stuttering as an actor.
  29. His character from Moonlighting (1985) was supposedly accurate to Willis at the time.
  30. He wears his watch upside down.
  31. He also does this in movies like Die Hard III and Mercury Rising
  32. In the last episode of Moonlighting a Die Hard poster is ripped down from a video rental store.
  33. Bruce Willis was the last person to audition for Moonlighting.
  34. Willis did not get along with his costar in Moonlighting.
  35. He filled in for David Letterman on an episode he was supposed to star in.


35 Things You Might Not Have Known about the Action Star #1 - Jackie Chan

  1. He got plastic surgery in 1975 to look more 'Western'. That's why if you compare Jacky in 1976 to Jacky in 1977, you get a very different look.
  2.  Lo Wei had made Bruce Lee so successful that he made a sequel to Fist of Fury 3 years after his death starring Jacky.
  3.  In that movie he purposefully looked bad with nunchucks so he could stop being compared to Lee.
  4.  He made Police Story because of the failure of The Protector.
  5. In 1982, he went to court so that Lo Wei didn't release "Fearless Hyena Part II" but lost the case.
  6. Sings the theme songs of most of his films since 1980
  7. When he released and sang the song "Kungfu Fighting Man" which was in English, Cantonese was the only language he knew.
  8. He had 12 roles for the film CZ12, which coincidentally released on 12/12/12 .
  9. He was mentioned in the song Kung Fu by Ash.
  10. He put the song Kung Fu in the closing credits of the American version of "Rumble in the Bronx"
  11. He had a film company (Golden Way Films) from 1985-1992, but only released seventeen films, and Jackie is in 10 of them.
  12. His real name (Chan Kong-Sang) means Chan born in Hong Kong.
  13. Chan was threathened by Triads to come back to Lo Wei Motion Picture Company.
  14. Jackie Chan's first film for Golden Harvest was originally 120m longer.
  15. His favourite film of his own is Police Story.
  16. The ending song of Police Story was used for a Hong Kong Police Force ad in 1994.
  17. He only did Cannonball Run 2 because of the contract with Warner Bros.
  18. He would have starred in the Samo Hung/Biao Yuen film "Burger Cop" if he wasn't filming Rumble in the Bronx.
  19. He was forced to marry his girlfriend.
  20. The female s#!c!d3 rate in Hong Kong went up because his character in Dragons Forever had a girlfriend.
  21. His Project A films have scenes that remind audiences of Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, but he had never watched their films.
  22. He was punched by one of his fans on the set of Rush Hour 2 (April 2001) because the fan assumed he would block the punch.
  23. He went out bowling with Bruce Lee in July 1973.
  24. He was supposed to serve as a stuntman to Bruce Lee in Game of Death.
  25. He says that doing stunts is easier then speaking English.
  26. He is best friends with Sylvester Stallone.
  27. He collaborated with Whoopie Goldberg and Sylvester Stallone in 1998's "Burn Hollywood Burn"
  28. He has a fear of needles.
  29. He would have starred in a film about a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center if there wasn't a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
  30. He got his name Jackie in Australia.
  31. He hates violence.
  32. He directed the Hong Kong version of the Protector. That's how much he hated the film.
  33. Speaking of The Protector, he walked off set because of how bad Glickenhaus directed.
  34. He did the coal stunt in "Drunken Master II" three times.
  35. He disowned his daughter for being LGTBQ.


action movie watchlist for 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's the list of Action films I want to watch in 2024

Fearless Hyena 笑拳怪招 (1979)

Fist of Fury 精武门 (1972)

The Way of the Dragon 猛龙过江 (1972)

New Fist of Fury 新精武门 (1976)

Mad Max (1979)

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Armour of God 龍兄虎弟 (1986)

The Matrix (2002)

Royal Warriors 皇家戰士 (1986)

My Lucky Stars 福星高照 (1985)

The Heroic Trio 東方三俠 (1993)

Crouching Tiger 卧虎

 Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

GoldenEye (1995) 

Little Tiger of Canton (1971)

Master with Cracked Finger (1979)


Police Story: Action on Steroids


I hope every single one of you has an awesome year and that God protects and blesses you.

Also, watch more action films.

Directed, written by, and starring Jackie Chan

Starring Bridget Lin

Maggie Cheung

Lam Hwok Hung

Bill Tung

Written by Edward Tang

Release date (Hong Kong): December 15, 1985

May 15, 2006 (Australia)


Kevin Chan, an honest Hong Kong cop protecting Selina Fong, a Triad boss's girlfriend-turned-informer, finds himself framed for the murder of a dirty cop, Royal Hong Kong Police Force Sergeant Mao, and going on the run.



I've been a MEGA Chan Fan ever since I was 6. But due to my new interests with lots of other franchises (LazyTown, Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, Odd Squad, etc..) I kinda forgot about him. Infact, Rush Hour was the only reason I thought about him. But one day I decided to watch one of his movies. Nothing interesting was on Netflix, but the plot of Police Story sounded interesting to me. So I watched the Hong Kong version, subtitled by SBS On Demand and then I started to get hooked back onto Jackie Chan films.  

Now, I'm not exaggerating when I say the Police Story franchise is one of Chan's best works. All films in the franchise (Police Story, Police Story: Part 2, Police Story 3: Super Cop, Police Story 4: First Strike, New Police Story & Police Story: Lockdown) all got 12 wins at award shows combined, and all the film's box office performances (including Supercop 2 / Project S / Once a Cop / Police Story 3: Part 2) made 489866205 Hong Kong dollars. I can see why, trust me. Judging from only the first film (I've watched the first 5, not counting Supercop 2. That's a spinoff.), you can say it took a lot to make this.


The film's comedy sequences are subtle and actually very funny, but they don't take your focus away from the serious parts, then the action sequences.

The cast did a great performance. Maggie Cheung did a great job as an annoying girlfriend, and Lam Hwok Kung did an amazing job as the strict guy who only cares about himself.

 My only complaint with the film is one of the comedy sequences which has Kevin ignoring crimes such as abuse so he can eat his lunch. Of course, when he ignores the call about a lost cow and when May calls him and he responds rudely, then pretends that it was another one of his employees, that was funny, because you're not supposed to take that seriously. I would spoil the rest of the sequence for you, but I don't want to.

After all, it's just a movie, and that joke was supposed to be funny, but it wasn't, but that doesn't make the movie any worse. 


I can't say anything else bad about Police Story, because the fight scenes and two stunts by Jackie. (YES, TWO STUNTS), and climbing over walls and parkour that Chan does in the film is impeccable and just some of his best work.


I'm just waiting for the novelization of the film so I can tell my kids the Police Story of Jackie Chan's Police Force. "One sunny day in Hong Kong..."

Watch Police Story 

Hong Kong cut, Cantonese audio with English subtitles  - https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/police-story/1464151619561

Jackie Chan's Police Force - American cut, 1987, English audio, 87 minutes | https://archive.org/details/police-story-export-cut
Alternate version of American cut of Police Story with Kevin Bassinson score
"Police Story 2" - Australian cut, 1990, English audio | 
Strangely with the Police Story 2 title card, Police Story 1 movie and credits...?

Rating: 10/10

Believe's rating: 5/10

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